One truth and most importen thing,never say some on some humrn heart u dont know,u never know with scars a humen heart had been true.we are all diffrent.Act with your heart u will meet magic reflect back to u and feel your heart.A smile waves miles away to see anther pain a SMILE WHIL CHEER ONCE,CAN CHANGE A LIFE,

      There is no one to tell us the rights we have over  our         children, child protection has crucified ours for years. I have      no heart for myself, they kill my heart.And is many of Us.



13 i am rise from hell agin with all our death our childs beloved heart we are here all demons our childs pain had been so insine .Blood is stilll raining blood all our color full nation,this is decemeber U remember .The best mounth beloved with love,no more pain blood and rain the goverment is insine fuckt in the mambrain to remain how insaine to see the bomb and graande they drops on earth with dirty word s klilled our childs,mothers heart bleeds as father.We know what right and wrong,Bomb and granatede once.Trust is broke`n.No way from all our childs demons are now to take care and bevare our mothers bleeding haert, as childs feel mothers pain so insine there is no peace in hell.Blood of tears dont drops it most stops.Follow the history Virgin Marie did not need man.She as to birth we are born as red roses we was rise by mother,value every breathe she give us as yours  red roses to colorfulll roses we was rise with water and love.Humenrigth is not made with voilence.We know was right and this is end tonight.The clock go one way,time is every breathe we make the still make mistake . Mistake there nothing u can see our child beloved heart as one  mistake,u bring hate.We have hate we are not them,Hitler was a minder made by hate.And have do right hate no one.One mistake was those who sad that did our beloved childs are rise insaine pain felt mothers blood rain the dark side of hell.We need peace now .Our child are tired, blood of tears our childs demons will never rest in peace.As father and love for our childs ..hear i now in all nation the war is our belove us all as your childs.U know was right drop the gunz now,we are here to protect our Queen birth to earth our beloved prince & princess are your red roses to ,its water enough to us all.All color of  roses mather s,no more bullets ..water us all.Its always a bether soulotin on war.We need learn from our Childs and remember you was once a child to we can fights got octane MMA its a nation art Spartacus didn’t put our child s in war.they learn them to fight from birth to earth by hands.Our art of artist u find your art u like guns I a humenright but we have sport or hunting for food.We can feed the poor.We men and father.We take fear away today,.it can stopp in once forn all no more bomb s and granite .U understanthe different on Sparta and us today.Be solider is protect and serv whats right that not what belive or money can by..Trust me ,we will trust us as a nation..I got www Biggest BOMB evry touch in words. It will happen .So its a bomb to all as one nation is the key beloved heart with Love bombs fal spred to all .Is no God that ca more powerful an us Power of beloved heart -smile u made a bether world.Love us all as a colorful nation Christmas is for us all.Jesus had never saved no one God had never helped Us.The truth is born to beat every lie to Let SantaClaus ride ,u do not want be on the bad behave list.U get no gift.So behave, put roof for us all, food to us all.Let our Childs demons rest inn peace.The and good live with as part of this peace we now made .December is our kids mouth is Santa that ride this month .Jesus and God is the same rest of the year a story we can tell kids we all was baby once ..we have time in life death is a fear.We all go true it.i accepted and I am here now, born with out love.A had no choice..but made up my mind to be happy in hell.I got key from Silje.Heart was born and felt.It only happen once,Value it.Is made my smile ,u on my journey I value u all, fill my kids heart beloved with your art as artist u gave the the world Us just be us as we are in color ful nation  love loyelty & respect.

The world is us a color full nation love us all ase we are.As long as we can behave, its room for us all bomb of love fal,love will be felt in us all beloved heart.The key smile www 3 are peace.



Merry Christmas to u all

Love loyalty & respect

A color ful nation is us