Humenright identety procted by Happy Home
Smile & Welcome Home the world is yours
My life, has never been about me.I have spent so much time on everything else from the most important, to do this in the most correct way. But the world is not written in a book, there are many souls here on earth. When you can not see danger signals in time. Bombs and grenades are speld out in verbal words.Its so childish that it could have been solved so easily if you had looked where it started. Those who open mouth and screem that it’s all about our baby’s!!!We all should see where the problem starts, words and actions are 2 different things. If you want to protect the children, you don't scream about the children. I was born without love, and I don't force it on me. And I don't expect anything from anyone , so I won't be disappointed either. You have fucking s 9 months to figure it out 🫵🏻 Then you'll find out you're going to be a father, you won't be ready when your child comes into the world, you'll never be able to do it.. I stood there for all my 3 children came to the world and figured out how to love everything I do on earth. You only get to live once, so enjoy everything and learn from our mistakes. If you can go to bed at night without having a stomach ache over what you accuse other people of. Putting people in booths. Judging many people in a category because of a single man's actions, urine sample, skin color, jewelry, symbols.. you name it. There are no facets to people, rather reach out a hand and help those who bully. It’s those people are suffering, then no one will be bullied either. Who started?? I've gone to many types of schools. See how beautiful the world is, and not everyone gets to experience that.Because of those shoud be the closest are those who will tell u who you are. Go down in the Ghetto in Moscow with a smile. And you will meet lots of lovely people know what sharing is. Give each other a better opertunity. If we have something too much,we give it to someone else. Like the children know how how to do!! One to me and one to you.Then we divide the last one in 2. Or mum? dad, you want half each. The children will figure it out, but not us...I not mad or angry about this.I just happy it was me.I was noen silent,and reale find a way to make some changes.So those people that can name our children’s name when the are the avdult people that fight. .Because the law is far from clear, it must be interpreted.
Take away hate
Respect each person for who they are.
We should not change us self,only improve.. Accept that we agree to disagree.. We don't need to sleep in the same sleeping bag.. or go for a swim. But we must be able to walk past each other and be able to say hello without having stomach ache.
It is said that for any reasonable person, the benefit of the doubt should be given to you. But what is reasonable when you cannot take feelings into account. Children are born without worries, why should we lead them on? We must learn to listen, learn and hear ..As long as we can adapt to each other and lend a hand to those who need it. Then we can all sit in sand boxes and build sand castles. Because life is glorious if you learn to appreciate what we have.
Do you understand that? You will understand what wealth is. We cannot do anything about what has been. But it is clear that things must get better, then people would not have feared the truth. So now I have to spend time with my child.. Because I don't get back the time I lost from the children, I can't lose more time from something I've been responsible for. Better tell me when the system run out of yarn. Then I can lend you a hand with yarn... Otherwise then someone else will probably give something that others have left over so you can continue crocheting. Because now is the time to be happy..
I a art wit god heart we brought a new tecnoligy in rocket record trust to find beloved hearts for othrs that no one is now us wat blame or others been true,is master peace of art to become a trusted company tha wish all the best,and a good and safty on your humright will be in order on daily base.Time is must value we have and our family.Its build by love for others.Its time 4 happy days.Helth,bether ækenomik and find home or help with prodsjekt.There will be bether education for our cilds and future.
More we hear,more we learn ,honesty posetivy creativiet i us .
is all about a collor full nation open for speasch as long we say it in cane way and behave.